Corporate Governance

Bintami Holdings has a strong Corporate Governance policy framework in place that is strongly adhered to. The Board of Directors ensure that transparency remains the cornerstone of all our dealings to ensure fairness to all stakeholders.

We welcome you to learn more about our Corporate Governance framework. See what helps us set high standards that make us one of the strongest groups in the region. From ethics to compliance, audits and timely disclosure of information, we set the bar high.

Bintami Holding has adopted an Investment Risk Committee and an Auditor System. The Auditors attend management and important meetings and investigate the Holding Company and Subsidiaries by performing fair and accurate audits.

Bintami Holding is also financially audited under statute by an external auditing company. Our Internal Audit Department oversees internal audits and also evaluates, verifies, advises and proposes amends to ensure internal management and service efficiency. The Risk Committee meets on a regular basis with the Senior Management of Bintami Holding to exchange views, and review existing investment performance in addition to reviewing and determining the outcome of new investment opportunities.

Bintami Holding makes every effort to conduct timely disclosure of information through the Board, Risk Committee & Stockholder meetings in order to enhance management transparency and accountability.


Ensure transparency in all dealings, operations and finances of all businesses and their subsidiaries.


Stay true to the principles and values of the group by being open and honest at all times.


Ensure responsibility for all actions and treat every aspect of business with fairness to all stakeholders.

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